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PFItem Events

The PFItem type exposes the following members.

Public eventAfterCreate
Occurs after an item has been created in database.
Public eventAfterCreateFile
Occurs after a file has been created on this item.
Public eventAfterCreateNotification
Occurs after a user notification whose related object is this item was created.
Public eventAfterDelete
Occurs after an item has been deleted.
Public eventAfterDeleteFile
Occurs after a file of this item has been deleted.
Public eventAfterSave
Occurs when an item has been updated or created in database.
Public eventAfterUpdate
Occurs after an item has been updated in database.
Public eventAfterUpdateFile
Occurs after a file of this item has been updated.
Public eventBeforeCreate
Occurs when an item is being persisted for the first time in database.
Public eventBeforeCreateFile
Occurs when a file is being created on this item.
Public eventBeforeCreateNotification
Occurs before a user notification whose related object is this item is created.
Public eventBeforeDelete
Occurs when an item is being deleted.
Public eventBeforeDeleteFile
Occurs when a file of this item is being deleted.
Public eventBeforeSave
Occurs when an item is being updated or created in database.
Public eventBeforeSendingNotification
Occurs before a modeled notification is sent.
Public eventBeforeUpdate
Occurs when an item is being updated in database.
Public eventBeforeUpdateFile
Occurs when a file of this item is being updated.
Public eventCommentAdded
Occurs after a PFItemComment has been added on the item.
Public eventEventAdded
Occurs after a PFItemEvent has been added on the item.
Public eventFileBinding
Occurs when a file of this item is about to be bound via WordForm or Quickparts.
Public eventFileConfirmed
Occurs when a file has been confirmed on this item. A file is confirmed when, after its upload, the parent item is saved with a reference to the file in the FileHolder value.
Public eventFileDownloaded
Occurs when a file of this item has been downloaded. Engine triggers this event on an async task. Do not use non-thread safe objects. (Packflow types inheriting PFBaseObject are thread-safe in this case) Codes triggering this event does not depend on HttpContext or other web context object. When triggered, there is no warranty the download is finished or succeeded.
Public eventFileDownloading
Occurs when a file of this item has been downloaded.
Public eventFileOpened
Occurs when a file of this item has been opened for modification (Office or KeePass application).
Public eventStateChanged
Occurs after the call to Save() during enactment when the SQL transaction made to move the workflow is committed.
Public eventStateChanging
Occurs when the state has been changed in this item instance, but the save has not been called yet.
See Also