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PFDateTimeExtensions Methods

Public methodStatic memberGetNaturalDate(DateTime, PFTranslations)
Expresses the time difference between the given DateTime and the current time in a user-friendly translated text. E.g. "9 weeks ago".
Public methodStatic memberGetNaturalDate(DateTimeOffset, PFTranslations)
Expresses the time difference between the given DateTimeOffset and the current time in a user-friendly translated text. E.g. "9 weeks ago".
Public methodStatic memberGetNaturalDate(DateTime, PFTranslations, RelativeTimeResolution)
Expresses the time difference between the given DateTime and the current time in a user-friendly translated text. E.g. "9 weeks ago".
Public methodStatic memberGetNaturalDate(DateTimeOffset, PFTranslations, RelativeTimeResolution)
Expresses the time difference between the given DateTimeOffset and the current time in a user-friendly translated text. E.g. "9 weeks ago".
See Also