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PFItemEvent_TaskStatusChangedInformation Properties

The PFItemEvent_TaskStatusChangedInformation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActor
Gets or sets the task actor.
Public propertyTaskNewState
Gets or sets the task new state.
Public propertyTaskNewStateId
Gets or sets the task new state id.
Public propertyTaskNewStateInstanceId
Gets or sets the task new state instance id.
Public propertyTaskNewStatus
Gets or sets the task new status.
Public propertyTaskOldState
Gets or sets the task old state.
Public propertyTaskOldStateId
Gets or sets the task old state id.
Public propertyTaskOldStateInstanceId
Gets or sets the task old state instance id.
Public propertyTaskOldStatus
Gets or sets the task old status.
Public propertyWorkflowState
Gets or sets the parent workflow state.
Public propertyWorkflowStateId
Gets or sets the parent workflow state id.
Public propertyWorkflowStateInstanceId
Gets or sets the parent workflow state instance id.
See Also