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PFApplicationSettings Class

Provides the generic settings of an application, editable in the web administration. Inherited in applications to provide custom application settings.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Packflow.Core
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Packflow.Core (in MicaSystems.Packflow.Core.dll) Version: (
public class PFApplicationSettings

The PFApplicationSettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodPFApplicationSettings
Public propertyAdministratorsAccessibility
Gets or sets an object containing accessibility options for administrators.
Public propertyEnableInterApplicationEvents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether inter-application events are enabled.
Public propertyEnableTaskReminder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the task reminder job can send notifications from this application.
Public propertyTypesAvailableForJobCreation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this application's job types are available for job creation.
Public propertyUsersAccessibility
Gets or sets an object containing accessibility options for users.
Public propertyWebServicesAvailability
Gets or sets an object containing accessibility options for web services.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also