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PFFieldFileHolder Class

Represents a content-type's field hosting files. These files are stored under the PFItem and referenced using PFFileReference.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Packflow.Core
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Packflow.Core (in MicaSystems.Packflow.Core.dll) Version: (
public sealed class PFFieldFileHolder : PFField

The PFFieldFileHolder type exposes the following members.

Public methodPFFieldFileHolder
Public propertyAllowedExtensions
Gets the list of authorized extensions in the case of EnableAllExtensions being false.
Public propertyAllowMultipleValues
Gets a value indicating whether a value can contain more than one file.
Public propertyBeforeSaveValues
Gets the previous values of modified fields before the latest Save.

Note: this feature is NOT persisted in the database and therefore only concerns this instance.

(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyCanDelete
Checks if the current permission context allows current user to delete this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyCanRead
Checks if the current permission context allows current user to access this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyCanUpdate
Checks if the current permission context allows current user to update this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyControlContainerMinHeight
Gets the minimal height of the field's control container. Does not apply if negative.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyControlHeightIsDynamic
Gets a value indicating whether the control of this field could resize itself to fit its content.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyCreated
Indicates if this object has been created and is still in database (positive Id).
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyCreatedAt
Gets the date of creation of this object in the database.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets the user who created this object in the database.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyData
Gets the data collection of this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyDateObjectCreation
Gets the date of the creation of this object in memory.
(Inherited from PFManagedObject.)
Public propertyDeleted
True if this object is flagged as deleted.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyDeletedAt
Date of the suppression of this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyDeletedBy
The user who deleted this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the default display name. Note: the getter will search the translation in the application model by default.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyEnableAllExtensions
Gets a value indicating whether there is no restriction on the file type.
Public propertyEnableFullTextIndexing
Gets a value indicating whether the files added in this field can be indexed in the Index database for full-text search.
Public propertyEnableVersionMergeToResolveSaveConflicts
Gets a value indicating whether versions can be merged to resolve save conflicts. If an object is saved with an older version than the last persisted (in database), the system will try to merge the versions values (if no conflicts between values) and will then save the merged item to database. Note : this setting is NOT persisted and will affect this object instance only.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyExists
Indicates if this object has been created, still exists in database and is not flagged for suppression.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyForceLoadOnViews
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field value should be loaded from the database in every view, even if not displayed to the user.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyGuid
Gets the GUID identifying this object. Must be used if Id is no more viable, example if content were merged.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyHasComplexValue
Gets a value indicating whether the current field is handling values with a specific Packflow type.
(Overrides PFFieldHasComplexValue.)
Public propertyHasPendingModifications
Checks if there is pending changes. Will check if the values are different from the currently persisted values.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyHasPendingPermissionsModifications
Checks if there is pending modifications in permissions. Will compute permissions (RUD) and check if there is differences with current persisted permissions.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the desired height for the control of this field.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyId
Gets the id identifying this object. Must be used to find or identify an object because faster than Guid.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyInternal Obsolete.
Obsolete. Use SystemField instead.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyKeepBeforeSaveValues
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Save should keep a collection of the modified fields previous values.

Note: this feature is NOT persisted in the database and therefore only concerns this instance.

(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyLogger
Gets the logger, used to log any useful warning, error or information in the database.
(Inherited from PFManagedObject.)
Public propertyLogIdentification
Gets a technical text representing this object.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyMaximumCount
Gets a value defining the maximum number of files a value can contain.
Public propertyMinimumCount
Gets a value defining the minimum number of files a value must contain.
Public propertyModelColumn
Gets the column corresponding to this field in the model of the parent application.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyModelColumnGuid
Gets the Guid of the corresponding column in the application model.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the internal name of this field.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyParentContentType
Gets the parent content-type of this field.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyPermissionContext
Gets an object calculating permissions on demand.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyPermissions
Gets the permission set (RUD permissions) of this item.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyQuickPartsContentTypeGuid
Gets the guid of the content-type used to bind QuickParts in Office documents.
Public propertyQuickPartsContentTypeId
Gets the id of the content-type used to bind QuickParts in Office documents.
Public propertyReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether values from this field can be modified from the UI.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyRenameEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the rename button is shown in the control, for each file.
Public propertyRequired
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a value for this field is required for any PFItem.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyShowFilesLinks
[Not currently used] Gets a value indicating whether the files can be opened from a view.
Public propertyShowThumbs
Gets a value indicating whether thumbnails are displayed for image files.
Public propertySite
Gets the root of the persisted objects tree.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertySystemField
Gets a value indicating whether this field is a valid standard/system field.

A system field is automatically present in any content-type of the same type.

(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyTemplateContentTypeGuid
Gets the guid of the (Packflow) content-type containing templates.
Public propertyTemplateContentTypeId
Gets the id of the (Packflow) content-type containing templates.
Public propertyTemplateEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the file creation using templates is enabled.

If true, a Create button will be available on the control.

Public propertyTemplateFieldGuid
Gets the guid of the (Packflow) field containing templates.
Public propertyTemplateFieldId
Gets the id of the (Packflow) field containing templates.
Public propertyTemplateScope
Gets the scope of available templates for document creation.
Public propertyType
Gets a value indicating the type of a field. This allows to check the type of a field without the "is" keyword.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyTypeText
Gets the type of the field, as it is stored in the database.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyUpdatedAt
Gets the date of the last update of this object.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyUpdatedBy
Gets the user who last updated this object in the database.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyUploadEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the upload button is shown in the FileHolder control.
Public propertyUseNewLinesInDisplayMode
Gets a value indicating whether display values must separate files by new lines (in place of commas).
Public propertyVersionNumber
Gets the version number of this object in database. Incremented after each save.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the desired width for the control of this field.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public propertyWordBinding_SyncUponDownloadOrOpen
Gets a value indicating whether Word documents must be synchronized on download or open.
Public propertyWordBinding_SyncUponFileUploadOrCreation
Gets a value indicating whether Word documents must be synchronized on upload and creation.
Public propertyWordBinding_SyncUponUserRequest
Gets a value indicating whether Word documents must be synchronized on user request.
Public propertyWordBindingMode
Gets the technology used to synchronize Word documents with items' data.
Public methodCreateValue
Creates a new instance of the PFFieldFileHolderValue class.
Public methodDelete
Flags this object as deleted.

If it fails, throws an error.

If the object could not be deleted because it does not yet exist in database, returns false.

If successful, returns true.

(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public methodGetCurrentCulture
Gets the culture used by this field to represents values and controls. Based on current used effective language.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodGetDefaultFieldControlName
Gets the name of the main control of this field for a given item.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodGetFieldControlId
Returns an unique HTML control Id based on current field name. Note : characters ".", "_" and " " are automatically removed from controlName.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodGetGenericDisplayHtml(Object)
Converts a typed value to a display text using HTML.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodGetGenericDisplayHtml(Object, String)
Converts a typed value to a display text using HTML.
(Overrides PFFieldGetGenericDisplayHtml(Object, String).)
Public methodGetGenericDisplayText
Converts a typed value to a display text without HTML.
(Overrides PFFieldGetGenericDisplayText(Object).)
Public methodGetValueObject
Converts a raw object to a specific type handled by a specific type of PFField.
(Overrides PFFieldGetValueObject(Object).)
Public methodRunInTransactionArea
Runs a code with a transaction on object connection. If there is no current transaction and if the code succeed, transaction is committed. If an exception is thrown, transaction is rollback.
(Inherited from PFBaseObject.)
Public methodSave
Applies the data of this object in the database.

When the field does not correspond to a system field, this Save will also ensure the SQL column in the database.

(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodToString
Generates a string representing this field for debugging, including the type and the name.
(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodTryGetSectionName
Tries to find the (translated) title of the section hosting this field in the work form of the content-type.

Returns String.Empty if not found.

(Inherited from PFField.)
Public methodValidateInterface
Validates the related controls after a postback. If success true validated value in Tag. If success false message to show in operation result message.
(Overrides PFFieldValidateInterface(DictionaryString, Object).)
Public fieldStatic memberControlName_FileHolder_DegradedFileInput
Name of the control allowing file upload on POST when the live upload control is not available.
Public fieldStatic memberControlName_FileHolder_HiddenFilterInput
Name of the control hosting a text filtering available file templates.
Public fieldStatic memberControlName_FileHolder_HiddenInput
Name of the control hosting values of the form FileHolder field.
Public fieldStatic memberFullTextExcerptSuffix
Suffix applied to the field name for the excerpt returned by queries filtering this field's column on indexed content.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also