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PFApplicationServicePackflowApplicationType Class

Packflow data service allowing managing the data of an application.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Packflow.Interface.Services
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Packflow.Interface (in MicaSystems.Packflow.Interface.dll) Version: (
public abstract class PFApplicationService<PackflowApplicationType> : PFService, 
where PackflowApplicationType : PFApplication

Type Parameters


The PFApplicationServicePackflowApplicationType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplication
Gets the current application.
Public propertyApplicationName
Gets the current application name.
Protected propertySessionKey
Gets the session key (from request parameters).
(Inherited from PFService.)
Public propertyWCF
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this class instance is directly used for WCF calls or for an intermediary like REST or SignalR.
Protected methodAddFile(String, String, PFUploadRequest)
Adds a new (unconfirmed) file in an item field.
Protected methodAddFile(String, Int64, String, String, Byte)
Adds a new (unconfirmed) file in an item field.
Protected methodAddItemPocoItemType(String)
Creates an item (not persisted) for a given content-type.
Protected methodAddItemPocoItemType(String, Int64)
Creates an item (not persisted) for a given content-type.
Protected methodAddItemPocoItemType(String, String)
Creates an item (not persisted) for a given content-type.
Protected methodAddItemComment
Adds a new comment in an item.
Protected methodAddItemEvent
Adds a new event in an item.
Protected methodAddItemRelation(String, Int64, String, PFItem)
Creates an item relation between two items.
Protected methodAddItemRelation(String, Int64, String, Int64)
Creates an item relation between two items.
Protected methodAddItemRelation(String, Int64, String, PFItem, PFItemRelationDirection)
Creates an item relation between two items. Note: set the direation to "To" to invert source and target.
Protected methodAddItemRelation(String, Int64, String, Int64, PFItemRelationDirection)
Creates an item relation between two items. Note: set the direation to "To" to invert source and target.
Protected methodAddOrUpdateFile
Adds a new (unconfirmed) file in an item field. BUT if the file (name) already exists in the field, its content is directly updated (no need for a confirmation).
Protected methodAttachFilePocoItemType(String, String, PFUploadRequest)
Attach a new file in an item field and saves the item.
Protected methodAttachFilePocoItemType(String, Int64, String, String, Byte)
Attach a new file in an item field and saves the item.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, Int64)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, String)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, Int64, DateTimeOffset, PFPrincipalValueReference)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type, with forced creation info.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, Int64, String, Int64)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type, with an owner item.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, String, DateTimeOffset, PFPrincipalValueReference)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type, with forced creation info.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, String, String, Int64)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type, with an owner item.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, Int64, DateTimeOffset, PFPrincipalValueReference, String, Int64)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type, with an owner item and forced creation info.
Protected methodCreateItemPocoItemType(String, String, DateTimeOffset, PFPrincipalValueReference, String, Int64)
Creates an item (persisted) for a given content-type, with an owner item and forced creation info.
Protected methodDeleteItem(String, PFItem)
Deletes an item in a given content-type.
Protected methodDeleteItem(String, Int64)
Deletes an item in a given content-type.
Protected methodDeleteItems(String, ListInt64)
Deletes multiple items in a given content-type.
Protected methodDeleteItemsPocoItemType(String, ListPocoItemType)
Deletes multiple items in a given content-type.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the used PFSite, if any.
Protected methodEnactItemPocoItemType
Protected methodExecuteOperation
Executes an service operation, providing a Packflow site, step object and exception handling.
(Inherited from PFService.)
Protected methodGetAllItemsPocoItemType
Gets all items of a given content-type.
Protected methodGetContentType
Gets an application content-type by its name.
Protected methodGetContentTypeInfoPackflowContentTypeType
Gets an application content-type information.
Protected methodGetFileContent
Gets a file's content.
Protected methodGetFileInfo
Gets a file's information.
Protected methodGetFilesInfo(String, Int64)
Gets a information of all files of an item.
Protected methodGetFilesInfo(String, Int64, String)
Gets a information of all files of an item's field.
Protected methodGetFileStream
Gets a file's content.
Protected methodGetItemByGuidPocoItemType
Gets an item of a given content-type by its guid.
Protected methodGetItemByIdPocoItemType
Gets an item of a given content-type by its id.
Protected methodGetItemByReferencePocoItemType
Gets an item of a given content-type by its reference.
Protected methodGetItemComments
Gets all comments of an item.
Protected methodGetItemEvents
Gets all events of an item.
Protected methodGetItemsByFieldValuePocoItemType
Gets items of a given content-type using a filter.
Protected methodGetItemsByFieldValue2PocoItemType
Gets items of a given content-type using a filter.
Protected methodGetItemsByGroup
Gets grouped objects from a given content-type using a PFQuery.
Protected methodGetItemsByGuidPocoItemType
Gets items of a given content-type by their guids.
Protected methodGetItemsByIdPocoItemType
Gets items of a given content-type by their ids.
Protected methodGetItemsByQueryPocoItemType
Gets items of a given content-type using a PFQuery.
Public methodStatic memberGetKnownTypes
Gets the known types from a class attribute.
Protected methodGetRelatedItems(String, Int64, String)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation.
Protected methodGetRelatedItems(String, Int64, String, PFItemRelationDirection)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsPocoItemType(String, Int64, String)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsPocoItemType(String, Int64, String, PFItemRelationDirection)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsByGroup(String, Int64, String, PFQuery)
Gets grouped items related to an item through a given relation, using a query.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsByGroup(String, Int64, String, PFQuery, PFItemRelationDirection)
Gets grouped items related to an item through a given relation, using a query.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsByQuery(String, Int64, String, PFQuery)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation, using a query.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsByQueryPocoItemType(String, Int64, String, PFQuery)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation, using a query.
Protected methodGetRelatedItemsByQueryPocoItemType(String, Int64, String, PFQuery, PFItemRelationDirection)
Gets items related to an item through a given relation, using a query.
Protected methodGetSite
Gets the current Packflow site.
(Inherited from PFService.)
Protected methodGetUploadProgress
Gets the upload progress (read bytes/total bytes).
Protected methodHandleException
Handles an exception for an operation, tries to log and rethrow.
(Inherited from PFService.)
Protected methodHandleFileItemBinding
Handles the binding of word files to their source item, according to the PFFile's settings. May trigger the FileBinding event
Protected methodRemoveItemRelation(String, Int64, String, PFItem)
Removes an item relation between two items.
Protected methodRemoveItemRelation(String, Int64, String, Int64)
Removes an item relation between two items.
Protected methodSaveItemPocoItemType
Saves an item in a given content-type.
Protected methodSaveItemsPocoItemType
Saves multiple items in a given content-type.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also