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Events and logs

Packflow provides two contents to log history information.

Log entries will contain information about technical history and exceptions while events represent items' history.

  • Apply to: Site, Application, Content-Type.
  • Type of content: technical events, warnings, errors, group modifications, etc.
  • Target users: administrators, developers.


Logs can be consulted:
  1. In Packflow Manager: on every site or application node.
  2. In the Web Administration: on the Monitoring - Events page.


Log entries can be accessed and created from PFSite, PFApplication and PFContentType objects using the PFRelation:

//Direct access
PFApplication app;
PFLogEntry entry = app.Logs.Add();
entry.Category = PFLogger_Category.Interface.ToString();
entry.Description = "Information message";
entry.Identification = CurrentItem.LogIdentification;
entry.Level = PFLogger_Level.Information.ToString();
entry.User = CurrentUser.LoginName;
entry.Trace = Environment.StackTrace;

But it can be much simpler to use the Logger object, available on all Packflow objects:

//Use of the Logger object
PFItem item;
item.Logger.Error("Something went wrong", PFLogger_Category.Other);

It offers many other methods and overloads.

  • Apply to: Item.
  • Type of content: item history like workflow enactment, task event, notifications.
  • Target users: everyone.


Logs can be consulted:
  1. In the Web Administration: on the Monitoring - Events page, when an application is selected.
  2. In the administration part of all item forms.


Events can be accessed and created from the Events relation on PFItem:

PFItem item;
item.Events.Insert("New event", "Event description");

That method also allows to:

  • Create the event asynchronously.
  • Set a custom event actor.
  • Restrict its visibility to administrators.