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App. Deployment

This article explains how to deploy an application to a Packflow server.

Depending on the environment, there are various ways, but it will always follow the same cycle:

App Deployment 1
  1. Using Designer, a C# project is generated for Visual Studio from the application model.
  2. The project is built and packaged to a ".pfpackage" file by Manager.
  3. The package is deployed by Manager to the server administration web service.
Scenario 1 - From Designer

An application can be deployed directly from Packflow Designer. But Packflow Manager has to be running.

In Designer, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Generate project.

    App Deployment 2
  2. In the popup window, choose the location where the Visual Studio project will be saved (preferably the folder containing your .pfmodel file).

    If Manager has been detected, the checkbox "Send to Manager" should be checked.

  3. Click on Generate.

    App Deployment 3

    Note: if it’s the first time the Visual Studio project is generated, a dialog window will appear asking you if you want to create a new project.

  4. When the project has been generated, Manager takes over and will automatically build/package/deploy the application.

    App Deployment 4
Scenario 2 - From Project

In Manager, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Local Projects" section, click on the "Add" button.

    App Deployment 5
  2. Select the folder containing your Visual Studio project.

  3. Choose your Build and Deployment settings, then click on the "Build and deploy" button.

    App Deployment 6

    After the build, a dialog is displayed, showing the progression of the update.

    App Deployment 7
Scenario 3 - From Package

In Manager, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Local Projects" section, click on the "Add" button.

    App Deployment 5
  2. Select the folder containing your .pfpackage file.

  3. Select the .pfpackage file in the tree. This will display the server form.

  4. Click on the "Update Application" button in the top right corner of the form.

    App Deployment 8

    A dialog is displayed, showing the progression of the update.

    App Deployment 7
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