Packflow.Modeling Namespace |
Class | Description | |
Activity |
Represents an activity ("To do" or "Can do") used in states to describe the work
to be accomplished by the users during this state.
This element is only conceptual and has no functional impact.
| |
ApplicationMapLink |
Represents a link shown in the application sub menu of the header waffle.
| |
ContentAggregation |
Represents an aggregation of a ContentView.
| |
ContentColumn |
Represents one metadata of a content-type, becoming a PFField once installed in Packflow.
| |
ContentColumnMapping |
Provides information about a mapping from a column to another.
| |
ContentColumnPermissions |
Describes how a column behaves in the workflow and in the UI
| |
ContentColumnSettings |
Settings of a ContentColumn.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_Boolean |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the Boolean type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_Choice |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the Choice type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_DateTime |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the DateTime type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_FileHolder |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the FileHolder type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_Note |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the Note type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_Numeric |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the Numeric type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_Text |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the Text type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_Url |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the Url type.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_User |
Settings of a ContentColumn with the User type.
| |
ContentColumnStateControlMode |
Specifies the control mode of a column in a given state.
| |
ContentColumnTransitionRequirement |
Determines whether a column is required in a given transition.
| |
ContentItem |
Represents a modeled item of a content-type, becoming a PFItem once installed in Packflow.
Does not apply if the ItemsSyncMode of the parent content-type is set to None. | |
ContentItemValue |
Represents a field value of a ContentItem.
| |
ContentItemValueBoolean |
Represents a field value of a ContentItem, containing a boolean.
| |
ContentItemValueNote |
Represents a field value of a ContentItem, containing a multi-line text.
| |
ContentItemValueNumeric |
Represents a field value of a ContentItem, containing a number.
| |
ContentItemValueText |
Represents a field value of a ContentItem, containing a simple text.
| |
ContentMessage |
Represents a message specifying something about a particular content-type's item.
| |
ContentMessageItem |
Represents a message's part.
| |
ContentMessageItem_FieldValue |
Represents a message's part, containing a field value.
| |
ContentMessageItem_FormLink |
Represents a message's part, containing a link to the item's form.
| |
ContentMessageItem_PlaceHolder |
Represents a message's part, containing a placeholder whose content will be replaced
by a custom code at generation.
| |
ContentMessageItem_Text |
Represents a message's part, containing a simple text.
| |
ContentPermissionContext |
Provides the information necessary to compute the permissions of a content-type's items.
| |
ContentPermissionContextEntry |
Represents a particular permission or privilege of a state or globally.
| |
ContentPermissionContextEntryValue |
Represents a set of users, obtained from a group or a user field.
| |
ContentQueryFilter |
Represents a filter in a ContentView.
| |
ContentQueryNode |
Represents a node in the filters tree of a ContentView.
| |
ContentRelation |
Represents a relation between two content-types.
Used in the API, in gridviews and in choice fields, this relation allows the creation of PFItemRelation
objects between items.
| |
ContentRelationSide |
Represents one of the two sides of a ContentRelation.
| |
ContentRelationSide_Linked |
Represents one of the two sides of a ContentRelation,
referencing a content-type of another model
(represented by a local LinkedContentType).
| |
ContentRelationSide_Local |
Represents one of the two sides of a ContentRelation,
referencing a content-type in the same model.
| |
ContentType |
Represents the definition of a content in an application, becoming a PFContentType once installed in Packflow.
| |
ContentView |
Represents a view displaying items or group of items of one or more content-types,
mainly based on a PFQuery.
Once installed the view becomes a PFView object. | |
ContentView_CustomCaption |
Represents an alternative caption for a column shown in the view.
| |
ContentView_FixedWidth |
Represents a forced width for a column shown in the view.
| |
DiagramLabel |
Represents a label in the parent content-type's workflow schema.
| |
FakeState |
Represents a fake element of a workflow schema. Only used for decoration.
| |
FakeTransition |
Represents a fake element of a workflow schema. Only used for decoration.
| |
Instruction |
Represents a user instruction of a workflow activity.
This element is only conceptual and has no functional impact.
| |
LinkedColumn |
Represents a column of another model referenced by the current model.
| |
LinkedContentRelation |
Represents a content relation of another model referenced by the current model.
| |
LinkedContentType |
Represents a content-type of another model referenced by the current model.
| |
LinkedModel |
Represents a model referenced by the current model.
| |
LinkedState |
Represents a state of another model referenced by the current model.
| |
LinkedView |
Represents a view of another model referenced by the current model.
| |
MicaContainerStyle |
Object representing a CSS style.
Currently not active.
| |
Model |
Represents an application's modeling. The model is the root object of the modeling tree.
| |
ModelChecker |
Checks a Model for inconsistencies and provides user-readable messages for the found problems.
| |
ModelCheckerMessage |
Represents a message sent as a result of a model check.
| |
ModelDiagram |
Contains the representation information of a diagram presenting an aspect of the model.
| |
ModelDiagramLink |
Represents a link between two shapes of a model diagram.
| |
ModelDiagramShape |
Represents a shape of a model diagram.
| |
ModelHistoryManager |
Contains the history of a Model, composed of various of its previous versions.
| |
ModelingListT |
Represents a list of modeling objects.
| |
ModelingObject |
Represents an object of a Packflow modeling tree.
| |
ModelingObject_Extended |
Represents an object of a Packflow model, usually carrying features.
| |
ModelingUtils |
Provides utilities used by the modeling objects.
| |
ModelLanguageDefinition |
Represents the definition of a language that can be used for a model's translations.
| |
ModelLanguageDefinitions |
Contains the complete list of translations available for models.
| |
ModelReleaseNote |
Description of a model version.
| |
ModelValidationException |
Exception thrown when a validation fails on a modeling object.
| |
ModelVersion |
Represents the version of a Model.
| |
Notification |
Represents a notification rule specifying when and how notifications must be sent.
| |
OrgItemPermissionType |
Represents a permission type (like Create, Read, Update or Delete) applied on content-types' items.
| |
OrgItemPrivilege |
Represents an item privilege granting permissions.
| |
OrgPermissionType |
Represents a permission type (like Create, Read, Update or Delete).
| |
OrgPermissionTypes |
Provides the list of all standard permission types (like Create, Read, Update or Delete) by type of object.
| |
OrgPrivilege |
Represents a privilege granting permissions.
| |
OrgPrivileges |
Provides the list of all standard privileges by type of object.
| |
OrgRole |
Represents a role of an application,
becoming a group for each application context once installed in Packflow.
The roles are used to grant permissions and privileges on content-types
but also to filter the available values of user fields.
| |
PagePart |
Represents a custom ASPX file that can be included in custom pages or forms.
In custom pages, the file can be included using the path "/Parts/APPLICATION_NAME/PART_NAME.aspx". In forms, a WebFormPart can be used to reference the page part. | |
Resource |
Holds a set of translations of a same text.
| |
ResourceLabel |
Represents the translation of a text for a specific language.
| |
SectionInitialState |
Represents the initial state, open or closed, of a section.
When the form is in Tab mode, the first section initially open will be selected by default. | |
State |
Represents one possible state of a content-type's items.
Content-types can have multiple states, and when these are linked by transitions, this becomes a workflow.
| |
Step |
Represents a step of a content-type's workflow, grouping some of its states.
This element is only conceptual and has no functional impact.
| |
SystemColumn |
Represents a column template, eventually used to create the standard columns in all content-types.
| |
SystemColumns |
Provides the definition of all system columns, automatically ensured in all content-types.
| |
TasksDueDate |
Represents a rule calculating the due dates of tasks.
If multiple rules are used at the same time, the closest date is kept.
| |
Transition |
Represents a transition between two states in a content-type's workflow.
| |
TransitionCondition |
Represents the condition a task must met to adopt a transition
as its final decision (or outbound transition).
| |
WebForm |
Represents the web form definition of a content-type.
| |
WebFormBlock |
Represents a block in a WebFormSection containing fields, gridviews, etc.
Blocks are the main content of a section, aligned left to right, they create a new row
when there is not enough space left or when the BlockType is set to NewLine.
| |
WebFormBlockCondition |
Represents a rule specifying when the block is shown or hidden, client-side.
Currently not used.
| |
WebFormButton |
Represents a button in a WebFormBlock.
The button can also be shown as link and will trigger an event on the parent content-type's controller.
| |
WebFormButtonStateControlMode |
Specifies the control mode of a button in a given state.
| |
WebFormField |
Represents a column's control in a WebFormBlock.
| |
WebFormGridView |
Represents a gridview in a WebFormBlock.
A gridview uses a relation between the parent content-type and another one.
The items referenced by the relation are shown in a table according to the target view,
offering various options like
filtering, sorting, creation, suppression, modification, etc.
| |
WebFormInclude | Obsolete.
Obsolete. Represents a custom ASPX file in a WebFormBlock.
| |
WebFormLabel |
Represents a custom label in a WebFormBlock.
| |
WebFormPart |
Represents a custom HTML in a WebFormBlock.
This HTML is directly set in this object if the type is HTML.
Else the content will be generated runtime (in the MVC Html Helper) for the referenced page part.
| |
WebFormPlaceHolder |
Represents an ASPX PlaceHolder in a WebFormBlock.
Currently not used.
| |
WebFormSection |
Represents the section of a WebForm.
Interface | Description | |
IContentColumn |
Represents a column in the same model or in another model.
| |
IContentType |
Represents a content-type in the same model or in another model.
| |
IContentView |
Represents a view in the same model or in another model.
| |
IObjectNotes |
Represents a object having an ObjectNotes property.
| |
IState |
Represents a state in the same model or in another model.
Delegate | Description | |
WebFormBlockObjectFinderSearchType |
Represents a method that tries to find an object of type SearchType in a block.
| |
WebFormBlockObjectsFinderSearchType |
Represents a method that tries to find one or more objects of type SearchType in a block.
Enumeration | Description | |
ApplicationIconColor |
Lists the available colors for the application icon (in the waffle menu from the Packflow site's header).
| |
ApplicationMapLinkType |
Specifies the kind of page referenced by the link.
| |
BlockType |
Identifies the type of a block, its behavior with the other blocks.
| |
ContentColumn_ConfidentialityDisplayMode |
Describes how a field value should marked as confidential in a view.
| |
ContentColumnControlMode |
Describes the level of interaction allowed in a form for a field control.
| |
ContentColumnSettings_NumericNumberFormatTypes |
Obsolete. Use Packflow.Core.PFFieldNumeric_Decimals instead.
| |
ContentColumnType |
Identifies the type of data handled by a ContentColumn.
| |
ContentPermissionContextEntryType |
Specifies if a permission concerns a permission or a privilege.
| |
ContentPermissionContextEntryValueType |
Identifies the type of a permission value.
| |
ContentQueryFilterOperator |
Identifies an operator used in a ContentQueryFilter object.
| |
ContentQueryNodeType |
Represents a logical operator, specifying if multiple query filters or query nodes
must all be true or at least one of them. | |
ContentRelationOwnership |
Specifies which side of the relation is owner of the other one.
| |
ContentRelationSideLocation |
Identifies the location scope of the related content.
| |
ContentRelationType |
Specifies the multiplicity of a relation.
| |
ContentTypeBaseType |
Identifies the base type of a content-type.
| |
ContentTypeItemsSyncMode |
Identifies how the modeling items of a content-type are synchronized with Packflow.
| |
ContentTypesOrder |
Describes how a list of content-types is ordered.
| |
ContentTypeViewOrder |
Specifies the sort direction of views in a content-type.
| |
ContentTypeViewOrderType |
Describes how the views of a content-type are sorted.
| |
DataSyncMode |
Obsolete. Was used to determine how Word documents were synchronized.
| |
FakeTransitionStateType |
Specifies the type of "state" targeted by a fake transition.
| |
FieldsDisposition |
Specifies the position of fields in a block.
| |
LabelsAlignement |
Specifies how the text of a field's label is aligned.
| |
MicaContainerStyle_BorderStyle |
Describes the possible values of the CSS property "border-style".
| |
MicaContainerStyle_FontStyle |
Describes the possible values of the CSS property "font-style".
| |
MicaContainerStyle_FontWeight |
Describes the possible values of the CSS property "font-weight".
| |
MicaContainerStyle_TextDecoration |
Describes the possible values of the CSS property "text-decoration".
| |
ModelCheckerMessageType |
Identifies the type of a message sent as a result of a model check.
| |
ModelDiagramLinkType |
Describes what a link is representing in the model diagram.
| |
ModelDiagramShapeStyle |
Specifies the type of style used by a shape of a model diagram.
| |
ModelDiagramShapeType |
Describes what a shape is representing in the model diagram.
| |
OrgStateScope |
Describes the scope of application of a privilege or permission type.
| |
PagePartType |
Specifies the scope of a page part.
| |
ParticipationType |
Specifies of the participation is calculated.
| |
TasksDueDateType |
Identifies the method type used to calculate a due date.
| |
WebFormBlockConditionBlockConditionType |
Specifies the impact of the condition.
| |
WebFormButtonControlMode |
Identifies the display mode of a button.
| |
WebFormButtonType |
Describes how a WebFormButton should be rendered.
| |
WebFormGridViewChromeMode |
Describes the behavior of a gridview's header or footer.
| |
WebFormGridViewHeaderContent |
Describes the caption of a gridview's header.
| |
WebFormGridViewHeightMode |
Describes the modes used by a gridview to manage its height.
| |
WebFormGridViewViewListFilter |
Describes how is defined the list of views available for selection in a gridview.
| |
WebFormPartType |
Specifies where the content of a WebFormPart is located. Locally or in a global page part.