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Model Class

Represents an application's modeling. The model is the root object of the modeling tree.
Represents an application's modeling. The model is the root object of the modeling tree.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Packflow.Modeling
Assembly:  MicaSystems.Packflow.Core (in MicaSystems.Packflow.Core.dll) Version: (
public class Model : ModelingObject_Extended, IXmlDeserializableRoot, 
	IModelVersionInfo, IModelInfo

The Model type exposes the following members.

Public methodModel
Initializes a new instance of the Model class.
Public propertyApplicationItemClassName
Gets the name of the class from which all PFItem classes are inherited in the project.
Public propertyApplicationTaskClassName
Gets the name of the class from which all PFTask classes are inherited in the project.
Public propertyAssemblyFullName
Gets the assembly full name (with version, culture and public key token) of the generated project.
Public propertyAssemblyName
Gets the assembly name of the generated project. The name is prefixed with "MicaSystems.Packflow.".
Public propertyAssemblyNamespace
Gets the assembly namespace of the generated project. The name is prefixed with "Packflow.".
Public propertyAssemblyPocoNamespace
Gets the namespace of the POCO generated objects.
Public propertyBackupChange
Gets or sets the content of the last backup. Not persisted.
Public propertyCache_ChoiceFieldsReferences
Gets or sets the cache containing the list of fields referenced by choice fields, by content-type name.
Public propertyClassName
Gets the class name representing the application. Prefixed with "Application_".
Public propertyContentTypes
Gets the content-types.
Public propertyContentTypesOrder
Gets or sets a value indicating how content-types are ordered.
Public propertyCSharpName Obsolete.
Gets the model name for CSharp. Dots are replaced by underscores.
Public propertyCustomPrivileges
Gets the privileges specific to this model.
Public propertyDateBuild
Gets or sets the date of the last build.
Public propertyDateCreated
Gets or sets the date of creation.
Public propertyDatePublish
Gets or sets the date of the last publication.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
Public propertyDiagrams
Gets the diagrams.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name.
Public propertyDisplayNameRes
Gets or sets the resource containing translations for the DisplayName property.
Public propertyEditorVersion
Gets or sets the last version of Packflow.Designer having saved this model.
Public propertyEnabledLanguages
Gets or sets the list languages available for translations (descriptions, display names, ...) in this model. Only two-letters ISO language codes are accepted. Note: never returns a null or empty list, but in that case returns the default list containing the default language.
Public propertyGuid
Gets the GUID identifying this object.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyHistory
Gets or sets the model version history. Not persisted.
Public propertyIconColor
Gets or sets the color of the icon representing this application in the waffle menu from the Packflow site's header.
Public propertyIconCustomColor
Gets or sets the custom color of the application's icon. Only used if IconColor=Custom.
Public propertyIconName
Gets or sets the name of the icon representing this application in the waffle menu from the Packflow site's header.
Public propertyId
Gets the id identifying this object.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyInstanceGuid
Gets a guid, unique for this object instance.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyInstanceLanguage
Gets or sets the instance language (two letters format).
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyIsExtended
Gets a value indicating whether this object is Extended (ModelingObject_Extended) or not, allowing to avoid an "is" verification.
(Inherited from ModelingObject_Extended.)
Public propertyLastContextualLanguageCode
Gets or sets the last language code used for design.
Public propertyLinkedModels
Gets the models linked to this one. These models's objects can then be selected in relations.
Public propertyMapLinks
Gets the list of links shown in the application sub menu of the header waffle.
Public propertyModel
Gets the model hosting this object. The Model is the root object of the modeling tree.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this object.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyPageParts
Gets the page parts. These will be available as customizable ASPX files in the generated project.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent object in the modeling tree.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyParentType
Gets the type of the parent object in the modeling tree.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyPublicKeyToken
Gets or sets the public key token of the assembly. Note: updated during the project generation from Packflow Designer.
Public propertyRelations
Gets the relations between content-types.
Public propertyReleaseNotes
Gets or sets the release notes.
Public propertyRoles
Gets the roles. Roles are being instantiated as Packflow groups for each application context.
Public propertySettingsClassName
Gets the class name settings of the application. Prefixed with "ApplicationSettings_".
Public propertyStandardAdminsRole
Gets or sets the standard admins role id. Used by the GetAdminsRole method.
Public propertyStandardMembersRole
Gets or sets the standard members role id. Used by the GetMembersRole method.
Public propertyStandardMembersRoleDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the standard role Members has been disabled. If this flag is raised, the Visitors role will not be ensured again.
Public propertyStandardVisitorsRole
Gets or sets the standard visitors role id. Used by the GetVisitorsRole method.
Public propertyStandardVisitorsRoleDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the standard role Visitors has been disabled. If this flag is raised, the Visitors role will not be ensured again.
Public propertyTempGuid
Gets or sets the temporary GUID, different each time the model is deserialized. Not persisted.
Public propertyUseValueHelpers
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the objects' generated properties should use the helper class (when available) instead of the classic value class.
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the version of the model.
Public propertyXmlPath
Gets or sets the XML path, last location of this model's file. Not persisted.
Public methodAddContentType
Adds a new content-type.
Public methodAddCustomPrivilege
Adds a new custom privilege.
Public methodAddCustomPrivilege(String)
Adds a new custom privilege.
Public methodAddDiagram
Adds a new diagram.
Public methodAddDiagram(String)
Adds a new diagram.
Public methodAddDiagram(ModelDiagram)
Adds the specified diagram.
Public methodAddLinkedModel
Adds a linked model.
Public methodAddLinkedModel(Guid)
Adds a linked model.
Public methodAddMapLink
Adds a new link to the application map.
Public methodAddPagePart
Adds a new page part.
Public methodAddPagePart(String)
Adds a new page part.
Public methodAddRelation
Adds a new relation.
Public methodAddRole
Adds a new role.
Public methodAddRole(String)
Adds a new role.
Public methodBackup
Adds a backup of this model in the History with the specified note.
Public methodCheckContentTypeName
Checks the uniqueness of a name of the content-type.
Public methodCheckForModification
Checks if a modification has occurred since the last load. Based on XmlPath value. Compares this model instance with the XML at the last known location.
Public methodCheckForModification(String)
Checks if a modification has occurred since the last load. Compares this model instance with the XML at the last known location.
Public methodChildren
Returns all children objects.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public methodContainsFields
Determines whether any content-type of the model contains at least one column.
Public methodDeleteContentType
Deletes the specified content-type.
Public methodDeleteCustomPrivilege(Int32)
Deletes the custom privilege with the specified id.
Public methodDeleteCustomPrivilege(OrgItemPrivilege)
Deletes the specified custom privilege.
Public methodDeleteDiagram(Int32)
Deletes the diagram with the specified id.
Public methodDeleteDiagram(ModelDiagram)
Deletes the specified diagram.
Public methodDeleteLinkedModel(Int32)
Deletes the linked model with the specified id.
Public methodDeleteLinkedModel(LinkedModel)
Deletes the specified linked model.
Public methodDeleteMapLink(Int32)
Deletes the map link with the specified id.
Public methodDeleteMapLink(ApplicationMapLink)
Deletes the specified map link.
Public methodDeletePagePart(Int32)
Deletes the page part with the specified id.
Public methodDeletePagePart(PagePart)
Deletes the specified page part.
Public methodDeleteRelation(Int32)
Deletes the relation with the specified id.
Public methodDeleteRelation(ContentRelation)
Deletes the specified relation.
Public methodDeleteRole(Int32)
Deletes the role with the specified id.
Public methodDeleteRole(OrgRole)
Deletes the specified role.
Public methodDeserialized
Method called after a deserialization done by MicaSystems.Utils_Xml.
Public methodEnsureConsistency
Ensures the consistency of the model.
Public methodEnsureStandardRoles
Ensures that the standard roles exists in the model. Note: disabled roles (see corresponding flags) will not be ensured.
Public methodGetAdminsRole
Gets the standard role Admins.
Public methodGetAllForms
Gets the form of all content-types.
Public methodGetAllLinkedContentTypes
Gets the content-types of all linked models.
Public methodGetApplicationIconColor
Gets the hexadecimal color code for the application icon. Returns null if branding color.
Public methodStatic memberGetApplicationIconColor(ApplicationIconColor)
Gets the hexadecimal color code for an application icon color. Returns null if branding color.
Public methodGetColumn
Gets a column by its id.
Public methodGetContentType(Guid)
Gets a content-type by its guid.
Public methodGetContentType(Int32)
Gets a content-type by its id.
Public methodGetContentType(String)
Gets a content-type by its name.
Public methodGetContentType(ContentColumn)
Gets a content type of the specified column.
Public methodGetCopy
Gets a instance copy of this model.
Public methodGetCustomPrivilege(Int32)
Gets a custom privilege by its id.
Public methodGetCustomPrivilege(String)
Gets a custom privilege by its name.
Public methodGetCustomPrivilegeByKey
Gets a custom privilege by its key.
Public methodGetDataSetSchemaAppCentric
Gets a data set schema NOT centered on a content. [not up to date with newer requirements]
Public methodGetDataSetSchemaItemCentric
Gets a data set schema centered on a content.
Public methodGetDiagram(Int32)
Gets a diagram by its id.
Public methodGetDiagram(String)
Gets a diagram by its name.
Public methodGetFormUniqueName(String)
Gets a form unique name from a name.
Public methodGetFormUniqueName(String, Int32)
Gets a form unique name from a name. The specified id allows to ignore a form for duplicated name.
Public methodGetGuid
Gets the Guid.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public methodGetLinkedContentType
Gets a linked model by its GUID.
Public methodGetLinkedModel(Guid)
Gets a linked model by its GUID.
Public methodGetLinkedModel(Int32)
Gets a linked model by its id.
Public methodGetLinkedModel(String)
Gets a linked model by its name.
Public methodGetListItem
Gets a text representing this object using Id and Name.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public methodGetMapLink
Gets a link from the application map by its id.
Public methodGetMembersRole
Gets the standard role Members.
Public methodGetMessage
Gets a message of the specified content-type by its id.
Public methodGetName
Gets the name.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public methodGetNextChange
Gets an XML containing the next model version.
Public methodGetNextObjectIdTModelingObject
Gets the next id of a type of ModelingObject. DO NOT CALL THIS METHOD BEFORE MODEL IS FULLY LOADED.
Public methodGetPagePart(Int32)
Gets a page part by its id.
Public methodGetPagePart(String)
Gets a page part by its name.
Public methodGetParentParentType
Returns the first parent of a given type in the modeling tree. Returns null if not found.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public methodGetPreviousChange
Gets an XML containing the previous model version.
Public methodGetRelation(Guid)
Gets a relation by its GUID.
Public methodGetRelation(Int32)
Gets a relation by its id.
Public methodGetRelation(String)
Gets a relation by its name.
Public methodGetRelationsLinkedTo
Gets relations linking the specified content-type.
Public methodGetRole(Int32)
Gets a role by its id.
Public methodGetRole(String)
Gets a role by its name.
Public methodGetStandardRoles
Gets the standard roles (Visitors, Members, Admins).
Public methodGetVersionString
Gets the version in a X.X.X.X format.
Public methodGetView
Gets a view by its id.
Public methodGetVisitorsRole
Gets the standard role Visitors.
Public methodHasNext
Determines whether at least one next version of the model is available.
Public methodHasPrevious
Determines whether at least one previous version of the model is available.
Public methodStatic memberMakeAllGuidsUnique
Will change all content's model GUIDs. This feature allows to duplicate a model, eg. to split applications without conflicting models.
Public methodSave(String)
Saves the model as XML at the specified path.
Public methodSave(String, String)
Saves the model as XML at the specified path.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateInstanceLanguage
Updates the instance language.
Public fieldStatic memberAdminsRoleName
Name of the standard role Admins.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultLanguage
Default language used by Packflow models.
Public fieldStatic memberMembersRoleName
Name of the standard role Members.
Public fieldStatic memberVisitorsRoleName
Name of the standard role Visitors.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsT
Casts an object to another type. Returns default(T) if the object is null.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAll
Checks that this object is equal to every object in parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodEqualsAny
Checks that this object is equal to at least one of the parameters.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Converts an object to String using ToString() method, else returns String.Empty.
(Defined by Utils_Other.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericListOverloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericList(Type)Overloaded.
Checks if this object is a System.Collections.Generic.List using type as T.
(Defined by Utils_Linq.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeOverloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerialize(String)Overloaded.
Serializes an object into an XML document.
(Defined by Utils_Xml.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJsonOverloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(ListType)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
Public Extension MethodSerializeJson(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings)Overloaded.
Serializes an object using a DataContractJsonSerializer.
(Defined by Utils_String.)
See Also