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ContentType Properties

The ContentType type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivities
Gets the activities.
Public propertyAuthorizeGarbageCollection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the garbage cleaner job is authorized to erase deleted items of this content-type.

Default value: True.

Public propertyBaseType
Gets or sets the base type.
Public propertyClassName
Gets the class name representing the content-type. Prefixed with "ContentType_".
Public propertyColumns
Gets the columns.
Public propertyCreateTasksOnFirstStateInstance
Gets or sets a value indicating whether tasks can be created on an item creation.

Default value: False.

Public propertyCSharpName
Gets the name for CSharp. Dots are replaced by underscores.
Public propertyCtForms
Gets all forms.
Public propertyCustomPrintForm
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an alternative form is designed for the print mode.

Default value: False.

Public propertyDeletedItemsTimeOut
Gets or sets the protection time of a (flagged) deleted item against the final deletion. In days, tells the garbage cleaner job how many days to wait before a deleted item gets erased from db.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
Public propertyDescriptionRes
Gets or sets the resource containing translations for the Description property.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name.
Public propertyDisplayNameRes
Gets or sets the resource containing translations for the DisplayName property.
Public propertyEnableComments
Gets or sets a value indicating whether comments can be added items.

Default value: True.

Public propertyEnableVersionMerge
Gets or sets a value indicating whether merging versions is enabled. This feature is used to merge two versions of an item being modified by a MVC cycle while another save occurred server-side.

Default value: True.

Public propertyFakeStates
Gets the fake states.
Public propertyFakeTransitions
Gets the fake transitions.
Public propertyGenerateViewClasses
Gets or sets a value indicating whether specific classes for this content-type's views should be generated.
Public propertyGuid
Gets the GUID identifying this object.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyIconColor_Back
Gets or sets the background color of the content-type's icon. This icon is used in the user navigation panel and in items' forms.
Public propertyIconColor_Font
Gets or sets the font color of the content-type's icon. This icon is used in the user navigation panel and in items' forms.
Public propertyId
Gets the id identifying this object.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyInitialStatus
Gets or sets the initial status.
Public propertyInitialStatusRes
Gets or sets the resource containing translations for the InitialStatus property.
Public propertyInstanceGuid
Gets a guid, unique for this object instance.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyInstanceLanguage
Gets or sets the instance language (two letters format).
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyIsExtended
Gets a value indicating whether this object is Extended (ModelingObject_Extended) or not, allowing to avoid an "is" verification.
(Inherited from ModelingObject_Extended.)
Public propertyItems
Gets the modeled items.
Public propertyItemsPFRelationClassName
Gets the class name representing the relation of the content-type with its items. Prefixed with "ContentTypeItems_".
Public propertyItemsSync_ForceSave
Gets or sets a value indicating whether synchronized items should be saved on each installation, even if no modification has been detected.

Default value: False.

Public propertyItemsSync_NameColumn
Gets or sets the column representing the modeled items. Used in the generated Enums.
Public propertyItemsSync_NameLanguage
Gets or sets the language code used to obtain the Enum names of modeled items.
Public propertyItemsSyncMode
Gets or sets value indicating how the modeling items are synchronized with Packflow.
Public propertyKeepModifiedFieldsBeforeSaveValues
Gets or sets a value indicating whether (by default) saving an item should keep a collection of the modified fields previous values.

Default value: False.

Public propertyLabels
Gets the labels.
Public propertyLogSaveEvents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether each save must be logged. Every time an item is saved (except for creation), an event will be created.

This event will optionally contain informations about changed values (if corresponding option is enabled on the column).

Default value: False.

Public propertyMessages
Gets the messages.
Public propertyModel
Gets the model hosting this object. The Model is the root object of the modeling tree.
(Overrides ModelingObjectModel.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this object.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyNotifications
Gets the notifications.
Public propertyObjectNotes
Gets or sets design notes.
Public propertyObsoletePermissionContexts
For retro-compatibility. Do not use.
Public propertyOrder
Gets or sets a number used to sort the application's content-types.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent object in the modeling tree.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyParentType
Gets the type of the parent object in the modeling tree.
(Inherited from ModelingObject.)
Public propertyPermissionContext
Gets or sets the permission context.
Public propertyPermissionsAdvancedView
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the designer should show the advanced UI to design the permissions.

Default value: True.

Public propertyPrintForm
Gets or sets the print form. Used if CustomPrintForm is set to True.
Public propertySecondary
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ContentType is secondary. A secondary content-type is not shown by default in the navigation.

Default value: False.

Public propertySendDefaultTaskNotification
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default notification of a task assignment should be sent.

Default value: True.

Public propertyShowNewButtonInNavigation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the "New" button must be shown in the navigation.

Default value: True.

Public propertyStartState
Gets or sets the start state's id, set by default on created items.
Public propertyStates
Gets the states.
Public propertySteps
Gets the steps.
Public propertyTaskCtId
Gets or sets the task content-type's id.
Public propertyTaskViewId
Gets or sets the default task view's id.
Public propertyValuesEnumName
Gets the enum name containing the values (modeling items) of the content-type. Only used when the ItemsSyncMode is set to FullSync. Postfixed with "_Value".
Public propertyViewOrder
Gets or sets the sort direction of views.
Public propertyViewOrderType
Gets or sets a value indicating how the views are sorted.
Public propertyViews
Gets the views.
Public propertyWorkForm
Gets or sets the work form.
See Also